Kazakhstan Visa

Necessary items for processing:

A. 1 passport style photo
B. Your original passport
C. Completed Kazakhstan Visa Form signed and dated on the bottom . (Visa form will be faxed, e-mailed as attached TIF. document or postal mailed upon receipt of your reservation form.)
D. Check for the appropriate amount

Processing time not less than14 days7 days
Single Entry Visa$220$320
Visa without hotel reservation add+$75+$75
Double entry visa must correspond with double hotel bookings

**All efforts are made to secure your visa accurately and within the time frame requested, however in the case of a visa being received subsequent to the requested date or with incorrect information, WWDL Inc. will only be liable to the extent of the actual costs of the visa. At no time and under no circumstances will WWDL Inc. be responsible for any damages, other than the cost of the visa, incurred due to incorrect entry/exit dates and or the visa arriving to the client past the requested date. It is our suggestion that you give yourself ample lead time when requesting your visa so if a problem does occur there will be sufficient time prior to your travel to rectify the problem.

Click Here to submit your Visa Processing request form!


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Contact Information

  • Address: 123 Street Name Adress, City Name, 12345
  • Phone: 123-456-7890
  • Fax: 123-456-7890
  • Email: Info@sampledomain.com

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